Sunday, August 9, 2009

What Aliyah has tried so far and her future schedule...

  1. Veggies:

    1. Peas & brown rice
    2. Corn & butternut squash
    3. Carrots
    4. Sweet potatoes
    5. Summer veggie dinner
    6. Garden Veggies
    7. Carrots and tomatoes
    8. Green beans & rice
    9. Pasta dinner
    10. Winter squash
    11. Spinach & potato
    12. Sweet peas
    13. Rice and lentil
  2. Fruits:

    1. Pears
    2. Bananas
    3. Apples
    4. peaches
  3. Meat:

    1. Chicken & Rice
    2. Tender beef spinach
    3. Chicken and sweet potatoes
  4. Yobaby Yogurt

    1. Peach & sweet potatoes
    2. Apples & sweet potatoes yogurt
    3. Plain

  • 3 teaspoons is 1 tablespoon
  • 8 ounces is 1 cup
  • 4 tablespoon= 1/4 cup= 2 oz
  • 16 ounces is 2 cups which is 1 pint
  • 32 ounces is 4 cups which is 2 pints which is 1 quart
  • 128 ounces is 16 cups which is 8 pints which is 4 quarts which is 1 gallon
  • 4 – 8 tablespoons of cereal
  • 2 oz yogurt or ½ oz cheese
  • 4 – 8 tablespoons (2 – 4oz) of fruit
  • 4 – 8 tablespoons (2 – 4oz) of vegetables
  • 1 -2 oz of protein foods
  • 3-4 oz of non-citrus juice

Protein = egg, meats (beef,chicken or turkey), poultry & bonesless fish, well cooked mashed beans

Finger foods = lightly toasted bagels, cutup banana & teething crackers

Non-citrus juice = apple/pear juice

Mondays & Thursdays at grandma's & papa's

7 a.m: Wake up - ~8oz milk
7:30 a.m.: Play on the floor
9 a.m.: Breakfast, 3 tablespoons of rice Cereal + 2 tablespoon fruit

Between 9 and 9:30 a.m.: Nap I
11 a.m.: Wake up and play.
Noon: Lunch ( 2 oz or 4) tablespoons of yogurt

and (1/2 - 1) jar veggie).
12:30 p.m.: Play.
1:30 p.m.: ~8oz milk

Between 1:30 and 2:00pm – Nap II
3:30 p.m.: Wake up and play.

4/4:30 p.m.: Dinner w/protein + 1 tablespoon

of cereal/ 2 tablespoons of fruit

5:00 p.m.: Play, go for a walk.

7:00 p.m.: Bath.

7:15 p.m.: ~8 oz milk

Between 7:30pm – 8pm – goes to sleep

Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays at home

8 a.m: Wake up 8oz
8:30 a.m.: Play on the floor
10 a.m.: Breakfast, 3 tablespoons of rice Cereal + 2 tablespoon fruit

Between 10 and 10:30 a.m.: Nap I
12 a.m.: Wake up and play.
1 a.m: Lunch ( 2 oz or 4 tablespoons of yogurt

1:30 p.m.: Play.
2:30 p.m.: 8oz milk

Between 2:30 and 3:00pm – Nap II
4:30 p.m.: Wake up and play.

5/5:30 p.m.: Dinner w/protein + 1 tablespoon
of cereal/ 2 tablespoons of fruit
6:00 p.m.: Play…

7:30 p.m.: Bath.

7:45 p.m.: 8 oz milk

Between 8:00pm – 8:30pm – goes to sleep

1 comment:

Belay said...

Add roughly ground and cooked barley in her future schedule to be
taken as a soup for her daily breakfast. Barley daily intake is said to be the secret of Ethiopian athlets championing at every Olympic competition. Ask for organic one from Ethiopia.

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