Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Changes in your hormone levels cause so many things that I can't even keep up with anymore:(

Aliyah is almost  4 months old and I just noticed hair coming out in clumps in the shower and freaked out. I felt so much better after I read this article written by a dermetologist that said all new moms experience hair loss.  I have heard that before but I thought I passed thru it since she was almost four months but apparently that is the time it starts:(  I liked my hair when it was in a resting phase since my hair was nice and thick.


Kimberly said...

Oh boy, does the hair fall out. I now have about 3 different lengths of re-growing hair because I seemed to lose a bunch again when I stopped nursing Caroline. It didn't happen when I stopped nursing luke. But I lost it at 4 months with both of them! CLUMPS!

K said...

Good now you don't have to buy that Rogaine afterall. Heeehee

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